Saturday, July 28, 2007

Joy is Weirder - by Becky

not that i am taking anyone's side here, but being the objective older cousin of these two, i would like to clarify a couple of things. while grace is moody and cynical most of the time, she is also very fun and spontaneous. after a few drinks that is. she may beg to differ, but it is true. and there is nothing wrong grace, with being the responsible one. that doesn't mean you don't kick back and have a good time. it just means you have a good head on your shoulders and know how to use it. and you have really nice lips (with no monkey muzzle, an added plus!) and a classically beautiful face. i've always thought so....i admit that sometimes i wonder if you'll be okay...i mean, you don't find any males attractive. ANY! if james franco walked by you might give him a, "well, he's not hideous...." and when we watched the movie "Step Up" at lisa's, we were going nuts over channing tatum's jaw muscle and you mocked us and said that he had pig eyes. hmmm....its slightly surprising being that the only guys you come in contact with on a daily basis (other than family) are your stingy, over weight co-worker louie, and greene highschool boys who are on their way to getting mouth cancer from all the dipping they do. well i guess that just means you have more self respect than most of us, so i'll give you a pat on the back for that. and i might add that you are my shoulder to cry during our LSWBB (little sisters with bigger boobs) support group meetings.
now joy on the other hand, is super rediculous and often does crazy and embarrasing things in public. but she is pretty and has a nearly perfect body so she can get away with it. our aunt allie recently took all four of us neices, Becky, Grace, Abby, and Joy, out to dinner. afterwards we went to a starbucks to hang out and have a cup of coffee. some time during the evening joy decided that she would like to conduct a social experiment on how the public treats caucasian unwed mothers. she went into the bathroom and emerged a few minutes later as a 6-month pregnant teenage girl. she'd shoved a sweater under her shirt, perfectly molding it to look like belly. people stared. they did a double take....whats worse, she continually stroked it in public, making loud comments like, "oh man i need a ciggerette", or "dude i really shouldn't drink so much." the two guys sitting next to us looked extremely confused. later that night, she got out of the car and had a "contraction" leaning against a garage door in hasbruck heights. the two black kids stealing a bycicle across the street actually stopped what they were doing and stared. interesting interesting.......all that said, i will miss you both sooo much. you will always be my best friends and i love you Geetz and Joyus.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Grace is a weirdo

I have decided to dedicate this post to how odd my sister Grace is. You know my heart is behind this, because I rarely post on this website. But some issues must be addressed before they get out of hand or ridiculous. Which I believe she already has.

It all started when I passed her in Saxon Math and she got pissed. She then sank into deppresion and yelled at me a lot. It hurt.

I still cry sometimes.

Thank you ok.
