Saturday, April 28, 2007

i shave my arms and wax my eyebrows and wear sparkly bras under see through shirts

do those kids from nj ever get under your skin? you know, the girls who wear tight leggings with tunic tops secured at the waist by large and many times lavishly decorated belts, and ugg boots...with their maticulously highlighted hair flat ironed till it looks like it would crack if you were to bend it in half. and when they are drunk, they think the hottest dance move is hopping around with their butt sticking out and their arms in the air above their head yelling, "wooohoooo!" but that's not half as bad as what they wear to go clubbing. a sparkly sequined bra with a tight, sometimes see through tank top over it and a mini skirt which could be much more forgiving around the theighs, but since it is a mini skirt, it is not. fat girls, i'm sorry to be blunt but i keep it real.
as if this is not enought, they also go tanning and probably use the bronzing creams provided by the salon to give their skin an amusing orange tint that makes my toes curl if i stare too long. most of them have their nails done with silk wraps (white and pink) which for no aparent reason, has always annoyed me. i guess cause it means they pretty much can't do any real work or they 'might break a nail'.
this is also the reason i was never attracted to guys with especially soft hands...i don't know about you, but to me this says, "i've never done a day of hard work in my life." that is sad. and you know those kids growing up, who would boast about their allowence? how if they were good their parents would give them money. what an great way to encourage laziness. when i was growing up, i'd get dragged into the bathroom for a take-off-skin spanking if i was bad, and if i was good, my reward was....NO SPANKING! (and perhaps a smile and pat on the head) simple enough, no?
so now this leaves us with the issue of guidos. these are guys usually between the ages of 16-24 (anything aside from this age group is entirely innapropriate) they may or may not go tanning depending on their level of wannabe fag. they wear puma sneaker with tight stone washed jeans that usally have fake fade marks and/or holes in them. they maranade themselves in cologne and wear tight muscle shirts that have the potential to exentuate either their pecs or their man titties depending on if they work out and/or juice, (steroids) or just leave it to nature and mcdonnalds.
their myspace is is rittled with retared self taken photos of them standing in a towel infront of they're bathroom mirror or making kissy lips into their camera phone. how gay. and their response to everything in life? "Bro, that's hott." sometimes switched up with, "Dude, that's hott." how original! i mean, come on this is not paris hilton, people. (thank god) anyways to wrap up this post, may i add that these sad, sad creatures many times are going no where with their lifes, are drunk from thursday to sunday, feel the need to wax their eyebrows, and use excessive amounts of hair gel. for those of you who simpathize with the boys i'm refering to, i have three words for you: GET OVER IT. because i sure have.

thank you for your time, i feel much better holding in pee for hours and finally being able to let it all out.
random fact of the day: yaks milk is pink.