Thursday, August 9, 2007

Well, here I am chaps, posting at last

Dear Friends,
I decided at some prompting that I should become a member of this mutual building-up of each other via "Well...this is awkward" fest. So here is my tribute to all of you:

Disclaimer: First I would like to get out of the way any physical compliments that must be made. You are all ridiculously gorgeous and you shouldn't even need me to say this to know it. Now on to the non-shallow stuff...

Though at times I dearly fear for your sanity, (like for example, ehem, ehem, when you decided to hitchhike with the mexicans (no disrespect to mexicans of course)), you are fearless and full of life, something I am not always. You are wonderfully flamboyant in a way only an ex-homeschooler can be, with all of your little sayings and phrases that coming from an ugly girl would be geeky, but from someone as beautiful and stylish as yourself are absolutely charming. You are willing to push the limits and encourage the rest of us to do so, sometimes to our detriment, others times for our own good. You inspire me to just let loose and have fun when I'm being too up-tight. You are an incredibly creative person when it comes to cooking, teaching me how to whip up a fantastic pauper's soup out of the bare essentials from our pantry. I love you dearly and America just isn't the same without you. I miss you Beckster, come home safe!

Though you are the most reserved and conservative of us all, when we have talks you are honest and open, giving your opinion freely. You are diligent and compassionate, even if you do lose your patience from time to time (ehem, with that sister of yours). You have a flair for art and decorating, and if you don't go to college and make something of your talent I will personally kick your ass. You are sweet and adorable, and will make a wonderful home-maker someday, just wait till you've experienced what's out there first. You are motherly, a trait that many women lack, and you are good at. You will make a good mother some day, just wait a few years. On the other hand, you are also capable of having fun, and you are funny and great fun when you kick back and relax. (That was alot of "funs" in one sentence). You are also un-comprimising of your beliefs. Just keeping standing up for what you believe in, though keep an opened mind, and you will do fine. Love you!

My dearest sister, you are something else. When I'm not fighting with you, you are the most fun person to be with. You, like Becky, have a flair for life. You bring flavor to every situation, a la Joy. You are the life of the party, and certainly don't care what anyone thinks of you. You forge ahead bravely into a world un-explored. Just be careful that you don't go to fast, but if you do try to, that's what I'm here for, (fist being punched into other palm in threatening manner) if you know what I mean. You are probably the most un-blushingly absurd and outragious person I know. My life was never the same some 16 years ago when you entered it with a bang. Though at first I tried to convince mommy to leave you at the child-birth-center, I quickly grew attached to you, and you, unfortunately quite tightly, to me. You are not at all descrete in anyway shape or form, but that is part of your charm, which you are absolutely overflowing with. You are the wild one, which I suppose nicely compliments my wise self. I love you just the way you are!

1 comment:

Abby Jane said...

Grace, you've out-done us all! really, you're awesome (the "awe" part dragged out with an exaggerated NJ accent), and I love you to death!

-Abbs aint' got abs to boast of