Thursday, August 9, 2007

Tributes - By Becky

i guess its my turn to write my tributes to the sisters/cousins...but i am purposely writing this before reading the others that you have we shall see any differences and/or similarities. here we go.

you are sulky a lot of the time. i don't know if this is due to feeling bad about yourself, (for no aparent reason) or just being border line depressed about nothing in particular. you really have no reason to feel this way. you are hott. you probably should get out more though, cause then you'll have something to compare yourself to and see how attractive you truely are. or maybe look in the mirror a bit more often. its a technique i use on myself and have found it to be quite effective in boosting ones self esteem. even though your life sucks at times and you've been thrown into various elder child responsiblities in your family, i have always admired your mature attitude. i think thats one of the reasons we tend to lable you as the wet blanket, when in actuality, you are just plain mature because circumstances have made you that way. regardless, you are one of the best people i can count on to tell me the truth about things, wether i want to hear it or not. you are very fun to hang out with especially when you take the risk of actually doing something slightly outrageous, especially in public.

I confess i have thought of you as the wall flower in the earlier years, always blending into the backround. now i realize that you were more like a little moth cacooning itself untill it becomes a beautiful butterfly, which you have. i still think you need to have a bit more excitement in your life, but i know that will come with time. obviously. for now you seem to be doing a decent job with yourself. you've changed so much in the last couple years i hardly recogize you from the little impish sister i once had. and although i may scorn you at times for your immaculately high standards, i am proud of you for being yourself and not being afraid of what others think of you. keep up the good work handling boys and keeping them in their place. this would be a good area to let your mean streak come out of hiding and be an actual bitch when the situation calls for it. (as we well know it has)

well i have to say you're probably the most noticably intruiging individual out of us all. although the youngest of the group, you are extremely capable of acting twice your age when the situation calls for it. and i would much rather go out with you than with a group of 21 year olds. we can always count on you to bring the extra twist of strangeness that makes each experience "Soooooo-o-o-o-o GOOOO-O-O-OD" (said in the Shuddering So Good Voice) sometimes i forget how old you are, and i remember how rediculous and immiture i was when i was your age. so you are actually way ahead of the game. if you're like this now, imagine how great you'll be when you hit 19. yup, its a good age. one of the things i like about you most (and this is unusual for me to pick out of ALL the things) is your ability to adapt to any situation, whatever it may be. you are very personable (in all meanings of the word....thanks Grandma) and super pretty even though you manage to act like a boy some of the time. thats a tribute that many guys adore.


Abby Jane said...

my dear, well done. i miss you!
i do see similarities in what we've each written about eachother. Geetz, now it's your turn!

this was a pretty darn good idea if i do say so myself ;)

Joy and Becky (cause becky still hasn't figured out how to get her own username) said...

oops this is stupid but i just realized that months dont cacoon themselves; caterpillars do. my bad...sry abbs well at least i was bright enough to notice my mistake.

Abby Jane said...

that's alright haha honestly i didn't even notice. i was too busy taking in the fact that you said something so nice about me lol

Joy and Becky (cause becky still hasn't figured out how to get her own username) said...

hey becky...caterpillers turn into both moths and butterflies. so technically you could say that she's a moth in a cacoon, if she were a caterpiller/moth at the end of it's developemental stage...

well, yeah. i'm really just bullshitting, so ill stop.


ps: becky, did you get that invite email to have your own username? if you don't want to do it, it's no problem...just a suggestion.

Abby Jane said...

the developmental stage is called metamorphosis. sorry i just had to sound wise and scientific for a sec. i don't get many of those moments when i actually remember all the crapola i hammered into my skull in bio class

Joy and Becky (cause becky still hasn't figured out how to get her own username) said...

yes smart ass i got the email i just didn't get around to it...don't u have to open a google account or something first?

Joy and Becky (cause becky still hasn't figured out how to get her own username) said...

i dunno...maybe. the email i use for this is an aol acount, so i dont think so...

somehow abby figured it out...ask her


Grace said...

I AM NOT SULKY! (sulk, sulk)
just kidding, i am... but I like to pretend otherwise.

Abby Jane said...

i think there was a link in the email or something.....